
Imagenomic’s Portraiture 2; Digital Retouching Plug-In

by Joe Farace/shutterbug.com.

※shutterbugに載ったフォトショップファミリーとアップルApertureに対応したポートレイトレタッチ用のプラグインの記事です。(Google 翻訳版で読む)

The art of portrait retouching was born after a professional photographer first delivered a print to a client who then complained, “I dont’ look like that!” Digital software tools such as Imagenomics’ Portraiture 2 make it easy to retouch portraits and meet the subjects’ expectations of how they think/hope/dream they really look. Portraiture 2 is a Photoshop-compatible plug-in that also works with Photoshop Elements. It will be compatible with Apples’ Aperture and Adobes’ Lightroom 2... (More)

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