
Nikon DSLR Rumors : Possible Nikon Road Map by Thom Hogan

at bythom.com.
☆ ニコンのデジ一の過去の流れを踏まえて今後の新機種の展開予想をThom Hoganがbythom.comに掲載しています。D2000とかD7000などというモデルの予想も飛出しています。

Possible Nikon Road Map by Thom Hogan :
●7/09: D3000
●fall 2009: D700x
●early 2010: D2000 or D4000
●early 2010: D3s
●mid 2010: D7000 (D90 replacement)
●late 2010: D3xs
●early 2011: D5500 or D6000
●mid 2011: D4 (D3 replacement)
●mid 2011: D400 (D300s replacement

●D2000--very low end 12mp DX camera with almost all automated features and only basic manual ones.
●D4000--split the D3000 and D5000 features (e.g. add video but not flip screen).
●D5500 or D6000--splits the D4000 and D7000 feature set, uses the D7000 sensor. Looks like a minor update to the D5000 to me.
●D7000--update the D90. It's probable that a new DX sensor (... Read more)

           Possible Nikon Road Map by Thom Hogan



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