☆ Neutral Day がソニーα750のセンサースペックに関する噂を掲載しています。
●35mm フルサイズ 14.6MP
●パラレルA / D変換
●超高速のデジタル出力(12デジタルチャンネル並行 LVDS アウトプット)
●12bit - ADコンバータ オン チップ
●15.2フレーム / 秒
●有効画素 4692 x 3115 = 14.61M pixels
● $1400-1800 ? 、、、etc。
Neutral Day : It seems that relatively soon, Sonys’ Alpha line of digital SLR cameras may get a new addition. Current speculation centers around a possible “A750″ with a full frame sensor. While we arent’ exactly sure about the naming, I did get an email pointing me to some specifications on the sensor that this potential new camera would be built around. Specifically were’ talking about a 14.6 megapixel, full frame sensor. The specs:(... Read more)